Sunday, December 11, 2011

3 years and 6 months x

Today is our 3 year 6 months anniversary! Any chance the boy gets to celebrate us he will ~ and I ain't complaining!!

I woke up to the most beautiful text message and tomorrow we are going to the movies ~ GOLD CLASS to see New Years Eve - there are like 40 main stars in it!

I posted Nan's Christmas cards off today for her! The count down is on till old Saint Nic comes for a visit!!  We have nearly completed all our wrapping!! Such little elves we are!

Pat and I were only saying the other day how much we can't wait to have a 'white christmas' one year! It's right up there on our 'Things to Do List'.  Another thing on that list is to send out our SAVE THE DATES! Best be off doing them now!

Lulu xxx

Sunday, November 27, 2011

The Dress...

My wedding dress arrived on Friday - Wahoo! One whole month early... I thought that would be unheard of?! I wanted to squeal but I got the phone call at work so I had to remain composed ;)

I was reading today that the designer of my dress ~ Alfred Angelo ~ has exclusive rights to replicate Bella Swan's dress from Twilight - pretty cool I thought... That shall be my claim to fame!

My sister (Emily), my mum and I went to a wedding a few weeks ago -  here are a few pics...


It was such a lovely relaxed day, picture perfect background of the dam and and a picnic lunch afterwards. 

I must admit it got me pretty excited for my big day! I just get the biggest smile on my face when I think that I am soon to be married to my prince charming!

I'm off to netball now! Wish me luck :)

Lulu xx

Tuesday, November 22, 2011

It’s raining, it’s pouring...

What a rainy old day ~ a perfect day to be snuggled up on the lounge watching some good old Disney classics (I wish!!)... but no work is where I am.

I launched my new gumboots today – I was a little bit nervous I must admit but my mumma told me I looked just fine so off I trotted up the street! By the time I got to the train station boy was I glad that I wore them – it was pouring down!

Anyway, now they are on my window sill at work drying out for the slog home!

They are my new fav – thanks to my sister for getting them for me, she saved them from being thrown out – how could you not love these guys! ;)

Lulu xx 

Monday, November 21, 2011

Cake Choosing !

So the wedding is just under 6 months away and boy oh boy has that time flown!
We chose our cake yesterday which was ridiculously simple to do.  There are a million out there and I was freaking out that I would not be able to decide on one - but in the end it was all done and dusted within 20 minutes!
It looks a little like this - but only two tiers and we made it more like us in places...
Flavours - chocolate & butterscotch for one layer & the other layer - white chocolate and raspberry! YUMMO!
Now to start doing my next 'wedding task' - first dance song...
Lulu xx

Monday, July 25, 2011

! Pyjamarama !

What kind of party does one throw for a special 62 year old mumma...Why a pyjama party of course!

It was an awesome party - even if I do say so myself :p - and a theme embraced by all:

The big hit of the night - my PERSONALISED cookies!! Complete with everyone's inital on it :) ooozing talent ;)

I truely am blessed to call these guys my fam!

Happy Birthday Mumma xx

Friday, June 3, 2011

Bloomin Fun!

The alarm went off at 6.15am this morning.... FLOWER MARKET TIME! The usual 'bunch' (Ha!) rolled out of bed...Patty, Eaz & Lulu!  It is one of my most favourite places on the planet!!  Roses, Stalks, Orchids & Lavendar were just some of this morning's purchases... Bliss!

After a quick coffee + peppermint tea we went on our delivery rounds ~ a bunch at Pa's grave, a bunch for Nanny at the hairdressers, a bunch for Macey Baby and a bunch for Aunty Jan!

I'm off to arrange a few for the house now ~  there is nothing like a fresh  bunch of flowers on the kitchen bench...

Have a lovely Saturday :) x