Sunday, December 11, 2011

3 years and 6 months x

Today is our 3 year 6 months anniversary! Any chance the boy gets to celebrate us he will ~ and I ain't complaining!!

I woke up to the most beautiful text message and tomorrow we are going to the movies ~ GOLD CLASS to see New Years Eve - there are like 40 main stars in it!

I posted Nan's Christmas cards off today for her! The count down is on till old Saint Nic comes for a visit!!  We have nearly completed all our wrapping!! Such little elves we are!

Pat and I were only saying the other day how much we can't wait to have a 'white christmas' one year! It's right up there on our 'Things to Do List'.  Another thing on that list is to send out our SAVE THE DATES! Best be off doing them now!

Lulu xxx